Why the Narcissist New Supply Will Dismiss Your Allegations About Your Narcissistic Ex

Why the Narcissist New Supply Will Dismiss Your Allegations About Your Narcissistic Ex why the narcissist new supply will dismiss your allegations about your narcissistic ex
Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

This article aims to explore the complex issue of why the new partner of your narcissistic ex often dismisses your claims about their abusive behavior. It can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening when you genuinely share evidence and personal experiences with the new partner, only to have them completely disregard it. For example, let’s imagine you’ve provided screenshots of text messages or conversations that undeniably reveal the abusive nature of your ex. Despite the concrete evidence you’ve presented, the new partner stubbornly refuses to believe or acknowledge the truth. So, why does the narcissist’s new partner choose to ignore your allegations, even in the face of clear evidence?

1. Manipulation and Gaslighting

A narcissist possesses a remarkable ability to manipulate and distort the perception of others, and this includes discrediting the validity of any screenshots you present. They may employ tactics to convince the new supply that the screenshots are fabricated or manipulated, casting doubt on their legitimacy. By distorting the truth and gaslighting the new supply, they can create a narrative that portrays you as the one who is deceiving or victimizing them. This manipulation aims to undermine your credibility and maintain control over the new supply, ensuring their allegiance remains with the abuser.

2. Idealization and Love Bombing

The new supply of the narcissist has likely been groomed and subjected to showers of affection, creating a powerful belief that they have discovered their ‘soulmate’ or twin flame. In their eyes, the narcissist is seen as a genuinely good person who is fully invested in the relationship. This idealized perception becomes a significant barrier to accepting the evidence presented in the screenshots.


The new supply becomes deeply invested in preserving the relationship, cherishing the moments of love and positivity they experience. So, they may choose to overlook or downplay the abusive behavior captured in the screenshots, as it contradicts the idealized image they have constructed in their minds. Their desire for the relationship to thrive becomes a driving force that blinds them to the reality of the abuse.

During the early stages of your relationship with your ex, you might have experienced a similar phenomenon where it was difficult for others to convince you of your partner’s manipulative nature. In fact, you may have viewed those who tried to warn you as “enemies of progress” or people who were trying to hinder the growth of your relationship.

3. Emotional Dependency

For some individuals, their dependence on the narcissistic ex-partner for validation, support, or material resources plays a significant role in their decision to dismiss the screenshots. Their self-esteem may be low, and they fear being alone or losing the emotional investment they have made in the relationship. Thus, they choose to deny or downplay the evidence presented in the screenshots, prioritizing the perceived benefits they receive from staying in the relationship.


4. Cognitive Dissonance

The new supply may experience conflicting beliefs when confronted with logical evidence in the screenshots. While they acknowledge the validity of the evidence, they also hold onto hope that the relationship will improve or that they can play a role in helping the narcissist overcome their abusive behaviors. These conflicting beliefs compel them to rationalize or minimize the significance of the evidence, as they prioritize their emotional investment and desire for positive change in the relationship.

When faced with cognitive dissonance, the new supply may go to great lengths to resolve the conflicting beliefs. In some cases, they may even believe that you, the survivor, were the one who caused the narcissist to behave abusively. This distorted perception allows them to protect their idealized image of the narcissist and deflect any responsibility or accountability from the abuser. It becomes a way for them to maintain their belief in the narcissist’s goodness and distance themselves from the harsh reality of the abuse

5. Lack of Awareness

The new supply may lack a comprehensive understanding of narcissistic abuse and the potential for drastic behavioral changes in people. This limited awareness makes it challenging for them to accept that the person they currently perceive as charming and kind could also be abusive. As a result, when presented with screenshots as evidence, they struggle to reconcile this new information with their existing beliefs. Their lack of awareness about the dynamics of abuse prevents them from fully grasping the significance of the evidence and acknowledging the abusive behavior you are trying to present to them.

Let’s be honest, before gaining an understanding of narcissism, it was difficult to believe that people close to you could lack empathy or be so manipulative that it negatively affects your emotional well-being.


The new supply’s skepticism regarding the screenshots can be attributed to manipulation, idealization, emotional dependence, cognitive dissonance, and a lack of awareness. It is crucial to acknowledge that attempting to convince the new supply may not be fruitful and could potentially have adverse effects. Despite having good intentions, others may perceive your actions negatively, with the new supply potentially labeling you as a malicious individual trying to sabotage their relationship.

Instead, prioritize your own healing and well-being. Your primary responsibility lies in breaking free from the cycle of abuse and nurturing your personal growth. It is important to understand that informing others may not yield the desired outcomes and can divert your attention from your own journey.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these subconscious patterns for good (in less than 2 months) using Mind Shifting, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts, experiences and research😊.

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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