What Angers the Narcissist the Most?

What Angers the Narcissist the Most? what angers the narcissist the most?
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

A narcissist, with their insatiable hunger for admiration and control, is known for their fragile sense of self and hypersensitivity to criticism. While they may project an outward appearance of superiority, certain triggers can enrage the narcissist and lead to explosive reactions. This explosive reaction and outburst are mostly referred to as narcissistic rage. Understanding what angers the narcissist the most can be invaluable for those who must navigate relationships or encounters with individuals who display narcissistic traits. In this article, I will explore the factors that provoke the narcissist the most.

1. Criticism and Rejection

At the heart of the narcissist’s personality lies a delicate and vulnerable ego, hypersensitive to criticism and rejection. Even the most innocuous critique or minor perceived slight can unleash a torrent of rage and defensiveness. Their deep-rooted belief in their reliability and grandiosity prevents them from accepting any flaw or acknowledging their mistakes, making feedback that challenges their self-image utterly intolerable. Instead of responding to criticism with introspection or self-improvement, the narcissist perceives it as a personal attack on their superiority.

In retaliation, they may unleash a barrage of aggressive behavior, resorting to belittling or dismissing the critic to safeguard their fragile sense of self-importance. For example, if a colleague offers constructive feedback on a narcissistic boss’s work, even if delivered considerately, the boss might lash out, labeling the colleague as incompetent or attempting to discredit their opinion as a defense mechanism to preserve their inflated self-image.

2. Loss of Control or Power

The narcissist’s relentless craving for control and dominance is driven by an insatiable desire for validation and admiration from others. When they encounter situations where their control is challenged or when others assert their autonomy, the narcissist’s carefully constructed sense of power is threatened.

This perceived loss of control becomes a source of deep inadequacy and insecurity, unleashing a surge of anger and frustration. In their efforts to regain the upper hand and reassert their dominance, the narcissist may resort to manipulative tactics, emotional outbursts, or aggressive behavior.

For example, if a narcissistic partner’s significant other decides to make independent decisions or voice dissenting opinions, the narcissist might respond with intense anger, attempting to manipulate the partner’s emotions or impose their will to restore a sense of control and dominance in the relationship.

3. Narcissistic Injury

A narcissistic injury is a profound blow to the narcissist’s fragile self-esteem when their meticulously crafted self-image is questioned or invalidated. This injury may occur when someone else achieves success or recognition that surpasses the narcissist’s own accomplishments, triggering intense feelings of envy and insecurity. The narcissist’s immediate response is often a surge of anger as a defense mechanism to shield their sense of superiority and uniqueness.

By reacting with anger, they attempt to deflect attention away from their perceived inadequacies and preserve the illusion of being unmatched in their abilities. For example, if a colleague receives a promotion or accolade that the narcissist had hoped for, they might respond with envy and anger, criticizing the colleague’s achievements or undermining their success to protect their sense of self-importance and preserve the image of being the most accomplished individual in their social or professional circle.

4. Boundaries and Limitations

Narcissists derive a sense of power and gratification from manipulating others to meet their own needs and desires, often disregarding the boundaries of those around them. However, when confronted with firm boundaries or limitations set by others, the narcissist’s fragile ego becomes wounded, leading to a tumultuous eruption of rage.


Boundaries are perceived as a personal attack to their sense of entitlement and control, challenging their belief that they can bend others to their will. In retaliation, the narcissist may resort to various tactics, such as emotional manipulation, guilt-tripping, or even attempts to assert dominance over the situation.

For instance, if a friend sets clear boundaries by refusing to lend money to a narcissistic acquaintance, the narcissist may lash out with anger, accusing the friend of being selfish and unsupportive, using guilt to coerce them into reconsidering their decision.

5. Ignoring or Dismissing Them

For the narcissist, basking in the limelight and receiving unwavering admiration is an integral aspect of their sense of self-worth. Any instance of being ignored, dismissed, or not receiving the expected adoration can prove intolerable to them.

This perceived lack of recognition strikes at the core of their identity, evoking feelings of insignificance and vulnerability. In response, the narcissist may resort to aggressive behaviors or deploy attention-seeking tactics as desperate attempts to reclaim the spotlight and reaffirm their self-importance.

For example, if a narcissistic colleague is not chosen to lead a high-profile project or receive praise for their contributions, they might react with hostility towards the chosen leader or attempt to garner attention through disruptive behavior during team meetings, seeking to regain the adulation they believe they deserve.

6. Exposure of Their True Self

Narcissists invest a significant amount of energy in creating an illusion of perfection and superiority to conceal their true selves, which often involves manipulating others for their benefit. Consequently, when their façade is challenged, and their manipulative tactics are exposed, the narcissist reacts with intense anger and hostility.

The revelation of their vulnerabilities or being held accountable for their actions shatters the carefully constructed image they present to the world. This unmasking is seen as a grave threat to their grandiose self-image, triggering a defensive response to protect their fragile ego.

For instance, if a narcissistic leader’s unethical practices are brought to light, and their employees begin to question their integrity, the narcissist may respond with hostility, attempting to discredit the accusers and deflecting blame to protect their image of perfection.



In conclusion, understanding the triggers and dangers of narcissistic rage sheds light on the volatile nature of interactions with narcissists. It is crucial to recognize that dealing with narcissists is a dangerous undertaking, as their relentless pursuit of admiration and control will often take precedence over genuine empathy and respect for others.

So, always prioritize your own safety and emotional wellbeing by maintaining distance from narcissists whenever possible. Engaging in conflicts with narcissists can be emotionally draining, and trying to reason with them is often futile, as they are unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions or seek genuine change. Instead, focusing on setting healthy boundaries and fostering healthy relationships with empathetic individuals is key to maintaining emotional equilibrium and avoiding the pitfalls of dealing with narcissists.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these subconscious patterns for good (in less than 2 months) using Mind Shifting, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.


1. https://unfilteredd.net/what-makes-a-narcissist-angry/

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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