Toxic Relationships: Will Being Overly Cautious Keep You Away from Attracting Toxic Relationships?

Toxic Relationships: Will Being Overly Cautious Keep You Away from Attracting Toxic Relationships? toxic relationships: will being overly cautious keep you away from attracting toxic relationships?
Photo by Josh Frenette on Unsplash

Hey, everyone. Today, I’ll be addressing the question of being cautious when reentering the dating scene after leaving an abusive relationship. Often, people express a determination to be extremely careful, vigilant, and scrutinize potential red flags thoroughly. They create checklists, sometimes even having a printed list of red flags in their bedrooms, with the belief that this caution will protect them from toxic relationships.

Now, on a logical level, being careful does have some merit. Recognizing red flags, such as love bombing, constant complaining, isolation attempts, or dishonesty, can help you avoid becoming overly invested in a relationship early on. It can empower you to make informed decisions about whether to continue or terminate a potential relationship. However, it’s crucial to understand that being overly careful can also lead to being overly careless.

Consider the analogy of trying to carry a cup of tea without spilling it. If you’re too focused on not spilling, you might actually end up spilling it because you’re overly invested in the fear of making a mistake and you will not even be looking at your footsteps. Similarly, being overly careful in the dating scene indicates that you have underlying fear and you lack belief in yourself. Another thing is toxic people can also read those lists of red flags and then project an image of someone who is devoid of red flags in the early stages of the relationships so you may still not be able to see what’s behind the mask.

Being overly vigilant suggests an uncertainty about oneself. When you see someone who seemingly doesn’t exhibit red flags, you might become overly invested due to the fear that this is your only chance at a healthy relationship. This can lead to downplaying or rationalizing red flags that may surface later on. It becomes a cycle of fear-driven decision-making, and you may find yourself repeating patterns from the past.

The key is not just about being careful or having a checklist. It’s about addressing the deeper, subconscious levels of your mind. Understanding and breaking free from negative beliefs about yourself is crucial. Red flags are recognized in the conscious mind, but subconscious patterns, shaped by past experiences, continue to influence your choices.

In fact, in your past relationships, there were times when things didn’t make sense, but you still ended up creating excuses for their behavior. The same scenario is likely to unfold if you return to the dating scene with just a cautious approach and a checklist. You may find yourself downplaying certain visible red flags because there’s a part of you, hidden in the dark corners of your mind, that yearns for a person with those red flags. This inclination will aid you in generating excuses and rationalizations, such as the common one, “If they could just stop ABCD, they would be a very good partner.”

To truly protect yourself from unhealthy relationships, you need to work on a deeper level. Break free from the negative beliefs that may be driving you to seek validation or love in spaces that don’t serve you. By doing this, you’ll build a foundation of self-assurance that goes beyond just recognizing red flags. Your intuition will guide you, and you’ll be confident enough to walk away from anything that doesn’t align with your well-being.

So, it’s not just about being overly careful; it’s about breaking free from deeper fears and negative patterns. Without addressing these underlying issues, the fear will continue to lead you towards unhealthy relationships, even if you are being careful. Work on breaking free from those negative patterns before considering another relationship.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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