Should You Expose the Narcissist?

We may all throw some sarcastic comments and remarks once in a while to spice up our conversations or even add humor to jokes with friends or family members. When that sarcastic comment hits the right spot, it leaves everyone laughing and enjoying the interactions. It’s normally all fun and games, but sometimes you may make that sarcastic comment and feel the temperature in the room is going through the roof. Sarcasm can be used very well as a covert manipulation tool, and you may not even be aware that the sarcastic comment is just a dig. In an abusive relationship, the abuser may constantly use sarcasm as one of those tools to control and manipulate you. So, how do you know if it’s become manipulative?


When sarcasm is consistently used to belittle your feelings or situation, chances are you’re being manipulated. If every time you express concern about a sarcastic comment from your partner or friend or colleague, and you’re met with another sarcastic remark or insincere apology, it indicates a lack of value or respect for your concerns.

When someone consistently downplays your concerns and responds with sarcasm rather than taking genuine accountability, it can be a sign of manipulation. This behavior may indicate a lack of sincere acknowledgment of your feelings or a refusal to address the issues at hand. Manipulation often involves minimizing the importance of your concerns, making it challenging for you to have your feelings validated or problems resolved in a healthy manner.

For example

Person A: “I’m really trying my best to meet the expectations at work, but it’s been challenging lately.”

Person B (sarcastic response): “Oh, wow, breaking news! Employee of the century over here, folks. I’m truly in awe of your monumental efforts.”


Another common sign that manipulation is hidden within the guise of sarcasm is when someone does it repeatedly. Sarcasm can be fun, but when it’s done consistently or when you’re subjected to it on a day-to-day basis, you may start believing those sarcastic remarks. They will make you question your perception of reality, and to make it more sadistic, the other person may really be enjoying what they say. It’s a sarcastic comment, but you’re now doubting yourself a lot. When it’s a frequent occurrence, it then becomes manipulative.

This may also get to the point where you’re afraid of expressing yourself because of the sarcastic comments you will get, or because you will feel bad, or you’re now afraid of the comments. They are more like hot daggers; then, it simply means that your voice has been stifled in that relationship, and you’re being subjected to manipulation as you’re being forced to do that which you do not want to do.

The Power Boundaries

There is a thin line between having that witty moment with your friends and getting hurt, but the only one responsible for what happens to you on the inside is you. When something feels hurtful to you or seems inaccessible, knowing your boundaries will greatly help you. If you feel that your parent is constantly sarcastic, for example, and you keep entertaining it, chances are you don’t understand the level of unacceptable behavior from others. If you understand and truly embody a life of healthy boundaries, you will know when to walk away or when to assert your voice.

Sometimes, people make those sarcastic comments without really knowing they’re hurting you. So, when we keep quiet or stop expressing ourselves, it’s like we’re communicating to them that we’re comfortable with them constantly ignoring our needs and throwing sarcastic jabs at us. When we stand up for ourselves, we build meaningful relationships. It’s okay to have those sarcastic moments with friends, but you also have to understand your intent and not overstretch those limits.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.



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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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