Can You Trauma Bond in Non-Abusive ‘Toxic’ Relationships?

Can You Trauma Bond in Non-Abusive ‘Toxic’ Relationships? can you trauma bond in non-abusive ‘toxic’ relationships?
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

When we talk about the concept of trauma bonding, it often gets framed within the context of surviving narcissistic abuse or other toxic or devaluing relationship. The cycle of being idealized and devalued, loved and torn down, can create powerful bonds that feel like addiction, making it incredibly hard to leave.

But what about relationships that seem to lack those ‘clear traits’ of abuse? Bonds that don’t involve overt put-downs, gaslighting or blatant mistreatment, but still manage to twist you into some bit of insecurity or self-doubt? Can trauma bonds form even without the clear presence of an “abuser”?

The truth is, while less extreme, trauma bonds can absolutely take root even in relationships without that ‘malicious intent’- all thanks to our deep need for the familiarity of emotional patterns we knew growing up, no matter how dysfunctional they are.

The Pull of the Familiar

Many of our unhealthy relationship habits stem from our deep human desire for the emotional familiarity and subconscious patterns we learned to survive childhood, even if those dynamics were toxic or limiting. We instinctively recreate the neural pathways and biochemical responses we got used to, even if they come from wounds rather than authentic bonding.

You may have been raised by a caregiver who was emotionally unavailable or unreliable with their love and presence. As a child, you would have done anything to earn their approval, affection and attention in those small moments where that love and affect was there. Let’s say when your parents were around, you’d go to the extreme to make sure you have their attention.

As an adult, your romantic relationships may mirror the same-same pattern. You might be drawn to partners who are unclear about their emotions and commitment. One day they’re loving and attentive, the next distant and indifferent. This repetition echoes the biochemical highs and lows of panic and relief from childhood, where you constantly sought love that wasn’t consistently available.

Even in relationships that aren’t ‘intentionally toxic’, the cycle of emotional upheaval and limited support and validation can still mimic the process of trauma bonding. Your mind basically relives the same the same hot-and-cold dynamics you experienced at a young age.

Seeking Safety in the Insecure

When you’re accustomed to finding safety in emotional inconsistency, you’ll naturally be drawn to relationships that mirror those patterns in your adult life. Paradoxically, these familiar patterns can feel safer to your psyche than relationships characterized by clear, stable intimacy and trust. So, the relationship may be ‘somewhat’ normal and not overtly toxic and it might lack deep intimacy and meaningful connection. Despite this, you might still feel attached to it because the relationship provides some level of comfort or familiarity, even if it doesn’t fulfil your deeper emotional needs.

So, the trauma bond forms not from clear abuse cycles per se — but from the aspect of a familiar pattern that your mind as gotten used to.

The Invitation to Look Within

While analyzing if a bond meets the criteria for “abuse” can provide clarity, it might also divert your attention from examining your own inner wounds and beliefs that lead to settling for less.

As long as you’re still carrying emotional baggage from the past, it will limit how you live in the present. We often think that seeking help to work on our deep issues is only necessary when we’ve been in toxic relationships, but that’s not necessarily the case.

Seeking help is about personal growth and living life more freely and authentically. Being in a toxic relationship can be a harsh wake-up call from the universe that you need to work on yourself, but you don’t need to stay in one to focus on your own growth.

If you feel empty or something is off in your life even when your relationship seems okay, that’s reason enough to introspect. Your relationship may actually be abusive, but your mind might be trying to downplay it as “not that bad” to preserve your investment. Remember, work on yourself for yourself, not for the sake of the relationship. All other aspects are secondary and are manifestations of your inner work or lack thereof.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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