Boundaries 101- Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Boundary Violations

Boundaries 101- Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Boundary Violations boundaries 101- conflict resolution and dealing with boundary violations
Photo by Nikola Johnny Mirkovic on Unsplash

“People will only do to you what you allow them to do. It’s your job to set the boundaries and enforce them.” — Unknown

Let’s face it, even if you understand your boundaries and effectively communicate them, things don’t always go as planned. You may encounter resistance, conflicts, or misunderstandings, particularly from individuals accustomed to you being a pushover or a doormat.

This realization highlights that boundaries aren’t just about feeling them; they’re essential for your safety in the real world, where it often seems that people don’t listen. You might communicate your boundaries clearly to friends, partners, family members, or coworkers, but they repeatedly ignore or violate them. So, when your boundaries are being violated, what should you do? Do you walk away every time, or do you reassert them?

Strategies for Addressing and Resolving Conflicts

1. Communicate Assertively

The first strategy that will help you resolve conflicts related to setting boundaries is to employ effective communication skills to address the issue. In doing so, you should clearly express your concerns, assert your boundaries, and communicate your expectations. At the same time, it’s crucial to actively listen to the other party’s perspective and engage in a constructive dialogue aimed at finding a mutually agreeable solution. Do not assume that people listen to you or that they’ve already understood.

For example, let’s consider a situation in a workplace where two colleagues frequently clash over their respective workspace boundaries. One colleague prefers a quieter environment and feels that the other’s loud phone conversations and frequent disruptions affect their productivity. Rather than letting the issue fester, the first colleague decides to use assertive communication. They approach their co-worker and express their concerns politely and clearly, stating that they need a quieter workspace to concentrate effectively.*et9czc*_ga*MTkxNjcxMDU2NC4xNjg1MDA1MjYw*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTY5ODczNDU3OC4yMjQuMC4xNjk4NzM0NTc4LjAuMC4w

In response, the second colleague actively listens to their perspective, understanding the need for a peaceful work environment. They both engage in a discussion and agree to set certain guidelines for their workspace, like scheduling phone calls during breaks or using headphones for noisy tasks.

This approach resolves the conflict and establishes a mutually beneficial solution, all made possible through effective communication and boundary setting.

2. Seek Mediation

If the conflict persists or escalates, it’s advisable to involve a neutral third party, such as a mediator or counselor, to facilitate constructive communication and guide the resolution process. For example, a couple experiencing ongoing disagreements about their financial priorities might seek the assistance of a financial counselor to help them navigate and find a balanced solution to their issues.

3. Negotiate Compromises

Another strategy that can help resolve conflict that may arise once you’re aware of your own boundaries, is to explore potential compromises that respect both parties’ boundaries and needs. This can involve looking for creative solutions that address the conflict while maintaining the integrity of individual boundaries. Compromise doesn’t mean throwing away your boundaries but it means looking for a common ground where boundaries of the two parties are well-respected.

For example, if one partner enjoys hiking in nature, while the other prefers cultural experiences, they could plan monthly “adventure days” where they take turns choosing an activity. One month, they might go hiking in a scenic park, and the next, they could visit a museum or attend a cultural event.

This approach ensures that both partners have opportunities to enjoy their preferred activities, strengthening their bond while respecting their boundaries and interests.

4. Setting Consequences and Ultimatums

As a last resort, when all attempts to resolve the conflict and reach a common ground have proven ineffective, it becomes necessary to set consequences and ultimatums. This involves establishing clear consequences for repetitive boundary violations or dealing with repeat offenders — those individuals who consistently disregard your boundaries.

Some people may not be inclined to engage in constructive discussions. In such cases, it’s vital to assertively communicate these consequences and be prepared to follow through with them if necessary. This approach reinforces the importance of respecting boundaries and serves as a deterrent against future violations.

For example, in a scenario where your parent constantly disrespects you, you could have a serious conversation with your parent and assertively express your boundaries and expectations.

You might say something like, “I respect you, but I cannot continue to tolerate the constant disrespect. If you continue to lash out at me, I will need to distance myself from our relationship for the sake of my own well-being.”

In response to persistent boundary violations, common ultimatums may involve going no contact, ending the relationship, escalating issues to superiors in the workplace, limiting interactions, or distancing oneself from the individual involved.

Ultimatums should be employed as a last resort because they have the potential to harm relationships, sometimes irreparably, or even escalate the conflict further. However, don’t hesitate to use them, particularly when you’ve exhausted all other means of conflict resolution. It’s important not to tolerate repeat offenders, as doing so would be a disservice to yourself and a sign of self-disrespect.


You may encounter both inner and outer conflicts when you begin prioritizing your well-being and establishing healthy boundaries in your life. Resolving these conflicts is a significant step in enhancing and nurturing meaningful connections. While walking away from situations that violate your boundaries may not always be the best course of action, as people may not fully understand your needs, there are times, especially when dealing with individuals who consistently disregard your boundaries, when walking away is essential. It’s also important to focus on addressing your inner conflicts, making it easier to handle the external conflicts that arise when you stand up for yourself.

For those of you eager to explore the intricate world of boundaries, I have an exciting announcement: our Boundaries course has officially launched! In this course, we will dive deeper into the art of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in real time. You can expect in-depth insights, practical strategies, and a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate the intricacies of boundaries. Click on the link, and let’s embark on this journey to empower you with the tools to foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships and a better quality of life.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

Articles: 847

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