Maladaptive Daydreaming: Why the Benefits of Your Excessive Daydreaming Disappear over Time

Maladaptive Daydreaming: Why the Benefits of Your Excessive Daydreaming Disappear over Time maladaptive daydreaming: why the benefits of your excessive daydreaming disappear over time

Imagine a scenario where a once-effective remedy gradually loses its potency over time. This phenomenon can be observed in various aspects of life, from the diminishing effectiveness of a painkiller to the decreasing thrill of a favorite hobby. Similarly, the benefits of excessive daydreaming, once a comforting escape, can dwindle over time, leaving a daydreamer wondering why it no longer serves them as it once did. In this article, I am going to explain why excessive daydreaming may not serve you in the long run as a mechanism for coping with life challenges.

Diminishing Effectiveness: A Drug Analogy

Consider daydreaming as a coping mechanism, much like a drug. Initially, it might have been your go-to remedy when faced with stress or low spirits. Much like how a painkiller offers relief from a headache, daydreaming provided solace. However, as time goes by and life’s stresses accumulate, the effectiveness of your chosen coping mechanism tends to wane.

Think of it as developing a tolerance to a drug. Your stress levels increase, or the emotional turmoil becomes more profound, making it increasingly challenging for daydreaming to provide the same relief it once did. Just as a painkiller might not alleviate severe pain, excessive daydreaming struggles to manage mounting stress, leading to its diminishing effectiveness.

Interfering with Real Life: Procrastination and Neglect

Initially, when you begin daydreaming excessively, you may manage to juggle it alongside your daily responsibilities, such as work or studies. However, with time, the hours and even years you lose to daydreaming can disrupt your real-life commitments. This interference can lead to procrastination, as you find it challenging to engage fully in the real world due to your preoccupation with your daydreams.

Neglecting your real-world obligations can pile on stress, making your real life increasingly more chaotic. This, in turn, diminishes the benefits of daydreaming, as it can no longer shield you from the consequences of neglecting your responsibilities.

Accumulation of Emotional Distress: Sweeping Dust Under the Rug

Excessive daydreaming often serves as a means to escape from negative emotions. However, this escape does not resolve the root causes of these emotions; instead, it piles them up. Over time, the accumulating emotional distress reaches a tipping point where daydreaming can no longer provide effective relief.

Imagine this as sweeping dust under the rug in your house. Initially, it seems like a convenient solution, but as time goes on, the dust accumulates until there’s no more space under the rug. Similarly, daydreaming can only provide temporary relief from emotional distress until the burden becomes too heavy to ignore.

Loss of Control: Living a Dual Life

Another reason why the benefits of excessive daydreaming disappear is the loss of control. When daydreaming becomes a subconscious response to stress or anxiety, it can feel like an unstoppable force. Your subconscious mind takes over, compelling you to daydream even when you wish to refrain.

This loss of control can result in a constant struggle between your real-life responsibilities and your daydreams. It’s like living two lives, with one constantly tugging you away from the other. The benefits you once derived from daydreaming diminish because you’re no longer in control of when, how, and for how long you daydream.


In conclusion, understanding why the benefits of excessive daydreaming fade is crucial for those who rely on this coping mechanism. To preserve its effectiveness, it’s essential to strike a balance between daydreaming and addressing real-life challenges. Embrace it as a creative outlet rather than an escape, and always work on processing your emotions and maintaining a purpose in life. By doing so, you can ensure that daydreaming remains a positive aspect of your life without losing its benefits.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with overcoming and managing maladaptive daydreaming without spending years in therapy, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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