TRAUMA — HIDDEN SIGNS OF UNRESOLVED TRAUMA trauma — hidden signs of unresolved trauma
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Have you ever found yourself engaging in habits or behaviors that you can’t even understand why you’re doing them? Or do you find yourself overreacting to small situations, later realizing that those situations don’t warrant such intense reactions?

For instance, you might become excessively angry over a minor issue, only to question the intensity of your anger later. If you recognize these experiences in your current life, it could indicate that you’re grappling with unresolved trauma. Put simply, trauma emerges in response to profoundly distressing or painful experiences that overwhelm one’s coping mechanisms. It results in feelings of powerlessness, confusion, weakens self-perception, and hampers emotional range.

Objective criteria for evaluating which experiences cause post-trauma symptoms are absent. Each individual reacts uniquely to similar events. Consequently, trauma isn’t determined by the event’s magnitude but by the response it triggers (how emotions are processed).

Trauma is trauma; there’s no need to compare events to validate them. Often, we attempt to dismiss, minimize, or forget past experiences, even invalidating ourselves with thoughts like, “My childhood wasn’t as bad as others,” “I should be grateful I survived,” or “I shouldn’t feel this way.” If something feels amiss or perplexing in your present life, it’s enough reason to address it.

Certain effects of trauma are evident, while others remain concealed, only to surface in our daily lives in seemingly unnatural ways. Not being able to perceive a wound doesn’t negate its existence or its impact on present life. Unresolved childhood trauma can disrupt bodily functions, and if left unattended, its consequences can be severe. In this article, I will explore hidden symptoms of unresolved trauma.

Hidden Signs of Unresolved Childhood Trauma

  1. Challenges in Building Healthy Relationships

Have you noticed a recurring pattern of attracting unhealthy relationships in your life? Perhaps you’re uncertain why this happens to you. These relationships tend to involve individuals who exploit you for their own needs.

You might recognize their toxicity, yet feel compelled to stay. Sometimes, you may even derive a strange excitement from these tumultuous relationships.

Conversely, you might find yourself in a healthy relationship, but it feels monotonous, leading you to sabotage it. This behavior often stems from attachment issues rooted in your upbringing. Consequently, you’re drawn to relationships that reinforce trauma bonds (intense attachments) rather than healthy ones. Unresolved trauma often instills fears of abandonment, insecurity, and rejection. You might easily become attached, even when aware of being taken advantage of.

2. Exaggerated Reactions to Minor Incidents

Do you tend to magnify the significance of trivial situations? For example, misplacing the TV remote could lead to intense fury or panic. While the event’s impact on your current life may be minor, your emotional response is disproportionately intense. These reactions are indicative of unresolved trauma; buried emotions are seeking an outlet through any available trigger.

3. Inability to Cope with Daily Activities

Daily life inevitably brings stress. Tasks, job-related worries, familial concerns, or even minor inconveniences like misplaced items contribute to daily stressors. Most people handle these challenges adeptly. However, some struggle to cope in a healthy manner, resorting to daily drinking, avoidance, or outbursts.

While this might be normalized, it’s also a clear sign of unaddressed issues. Unresolved trauma can foster uncertainty about confronting uncomfortable situations, leading to a preconceived notion of failure without attempting.

4. Profound Belief in Being Wrong or Bad

Another concealed symptom of unresolved trauma is an unshakeable sense of being bad or wrong, often without clear justification. This self-perception exists regardless of solid evidence. You might believe that you deserve the negative occurrences in your life or that you’re cursed due to the hardships you face.

This originates from mistreatment, abandonment, or rejection during childhood, creating a belief that such treatment was deserved. Self-blame becomes a survival response, as blaming caregivers who provided for you seems unbearable. This core belief can be reinforced by interpreting normal adult mistakes as confirmation of your unworthiness. In adulthood, events beyond your control might reinforce the notion that you’re inherently bad.

5. Unexplained Physical Symptoms

Trauma can manifest in various physical health issues, as the body carries the memory of past distressing experiences. Numbing emotions temporarily alleviates trauma’s impact. Unresolved trauma can result in physical conditions that evade straightforward medical explanations. Our bodies process emotions, and past emotions might linger, contributing to these physical symptoms.

Chronic fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, digestive problems, high blood pressure, and frequent migraines are common somatic symptoms.

6. Discomfort in Specific Places/Events or with Certain Individuals

Do you ever experience unease or fear when visiting particular places or interacting with specific individuals, without a clear rationale? This could be indicative of unhealed trauma. Such situations trigger deep-seated fears, inducing a fight-or-flight response. Your brain and body might react as they did when you initially faced similar situations. This can result in a sense of unease even when immediate danger isn’t apparent.


Understanding the signs of unresolved childhood trauma in adulthood is crucial for recovery. Identifying the root of undesirable behaviors isn’t always easy, but observing your present behaviors and addressing them openly is a starting point. If you consistently engage in undesired actions and can’t control them, it suggests internal issues that need attention. While you may not be consciously aware of it, these behaviors might be responses to past experiences buried within you.

Avoiding seeking help for trauma often stems from guilt or the fear of unearthing painful memories. Such feelings are normal, as repression offers a temporary sanctuary for buried emotions, especially when we feel unequipped to handle them.

However, it’s essential to address these emotions properly. With the right assistance and effective healing methods, trauma can be safely processed and released. Seeking help allows you to shed emotional baggage, enabling you to live more fully in the present.

The challenge of trauma healing lies not only in confronting the past but also in enhancing your current life’s quality by minimizing the past’s impact.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns (in less than 2 months) , then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.











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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

Articles: 847

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