Emotionally Neutral: Liberating Yourself from the Grip of Toxic Relationships

Emotionally Neutral: Liberating Yourself from the Grip of Toxic Relationships emotionally neutral: liberating yourself from the grip of toxic relationships
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

When you’ve been involved in any abusive relationship, something that will happen is the abuser will leave an imprint on you. They leave it in you, not literally but in the form of distorting your inner belief system, which in turn dictates your thoughts and emotions.

You want to be emotionally neutral, but your attempt to practice it is met with challenges as the toxic imprint continues to influence your reactions and perceptions.

The concept of emotional neutrality becomes both a beacon of hope and a formidable goal as you strive to liberate yourself from the lingering effects of the abusive relationship. The journey to emotional neutrality is not an easy one, as the scars left behind by the abuser can impact your sense of self, your ability to trust, and your capacity to form healthy connections.

What is Emotional Neutrality

Emotional neutrality refers to a state of inner peace and detachment from the emotional rollercoaster that toxic relationships often bring. It does not mean suppressing or dismissing your emotions or becoming numb to our feelings; instead, it involves cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness and resilience.

Emotional neutrality also involves remaining unbothered and disinterested by the actions of your abusive ex, even long after you’ve left the relationship. It means not letting their words and actions, whether negative or positive, affect your inner peace or self-assurance.

Despite their attempts to spread rumors or manipulate you back into the relationship, you remain steadfast and unshaken, firmly rooted in your self-awareness and understanding of their toxic patterns.


By cultivating emotional neutrality, you become less susceptible to their attempts at emotional manipulation and are less likely to be drawn into their harmful patterns. Embracing emotional neutrality also enables you to set and maintain healthy boundaries.

Toxic partners often cross boundaries, causing emotional harm and infringing upon your autonomy. With emotional neutrality, you gain the strength to establish firm boundaries and protect yourself from further emotional harm.

When you achieve emotional neutrality, you rise above the toxic patterns of reactivity and emotional turbulence, allowing you to respond to challenging situations with a sense of calm and clarity. This emotional liberation grants you the freedom to prioritize your well-being, make empowered choices, and cultivate healthier relationships that nurture your personal growth and happiness.

Journey to Emotional Neutrality

1. Acknowledging Those Emotions

The journey to emotional neutrality is undoubtedly challenging, as it demands delving into the depths within ourselves that we often try to avoid or escape. However, it is a crucial and transformative path that can lead to healing and liberation from the shackles of past toxic relationships.

The first vital step in achieving emotional neutrality is to consciously acknowledge and confront the negative emotions, pain, or scars inflicted by your past abusive relationship. This process requires brave self-reflection and an honest appraisal of the impact the toxic relationship had on your emotional well-being.

By bravely acknowledging the presence of these feelings, you open the door to understanding that there are parts of you that need healing and nurturing. This self-awareness empowers you to identify any lingering triggers or unresolved trauma that might still influence your reactions and perceptions.

It becomes an opportunity to peel back the layers of emotional wounds and discover the roots of your responses to certain situations or behaviors. Through this introspective journey, you begin to untangle the complex web of emotions that have been interwoven within you, gaining insights into the ways the past relationship has shaped your present emotional landscape.

To gain deeper insights, you can explore thought-provoking questions through journaling, approaching them from a point of compassion rather than self-loathing. Some examples include:

· How do I feel when I recall memories of the abusive relationship?

· What emotions arise when I think about the love bombing and manipulation from my ex?

· How have these experiences affected my sense of self-worth and trust in others?

· What steps can I take to rebuild my emotional resilience and establish healthier boundaries moving forward?

By reflecting on these questions, you can process your emotions and gain clarity on the impact of the past relationship, paving the way for emotional neutrality. Engaging in this self-exploration with compassion and understanding allows you to validate your feelings and experiences, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and facilitating the healing process.

2. Healing those Emotional Wounds

The second step in achieving emotional neutrality is to embark on the healing journey for those unresolved wounds. Once you have acknowledged the emotional triggers from your past abusive relationship, it is time to delve deeper and genuinely address these wounds. Taking full responsibility for your healing process is essential, recognizing that you have the power to transform your emotional landscape.


This inner work involves facing the unhealed trauma that lies within you, as this is often the breeding ground for the toxic words and actions of your ex-partner to find their mark. By bravely confronting and working through these vulnerable aspects of yourself, you begin to disarm the power that their hurtful words once held over you.

As you heal and strengthen your emotional resilience, you cultivate a sense of inner peace and self-assurance, allowing you to face any future attempts to provoke or manipulate with a newfound sense of emotional freedom.


In conclusion, achieving emotional neutrality after a toxic relationship is a transformative and empowering journey. It begins with acknowledging the negative emotions and scars left behind by your abusive ex, allowing yourself to process and heal from the impact of their actions.

By practicing self-compassion and engaging in thoughtful self-reflection, you gain deeper insights into your emotional landscape, identifying the triggers and vulnerabilities that require healing. Embrace the process of self-discovery and inner work, taking responsibility for your healing and dismantling the power that the toxic relationship once held over you.

Continuous self-reflection becomes the cornerstone of your growth as you navigate the complexities of your emotions and further liberate yourself from the past. Through ongoing introspection, you will begin to feel a genuine sense of moving on, where the hurtful words and actions of the past no longer have a stronghold on your present life.

As you heal your unresolved wounds, you will strengthen your emotional resilience, fostering a profound sense of self-assurance and inner peace. Gradually, your ex’s attempts to manipulate or provoke you will lose their power, and you will become the master of your emotional responses.

Embracing emotional neutrality opens the door to emotional freedom, enabling you to embrace a life of healing, growth, and empowerment. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. With each step you take in self-reflection, you will reclaim more of yourself and break free from the shackles of the past.

So, move forward with courage, compassion, and determination, and continuously do the inner work until you can confidently say that you have moved on from the past, and your ex no longer has the power to affect your present life.

In this newfound emotional freedom, you can embrace the fullness of your being and create a future filled with genuine happiness, self-love, and authentic connections.

Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these subconscious patterns for good (in less than 2 months) using Mind Shifting, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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