How Do You Respond to the Narcissist’s Apologies after Discard?

How Do You Respond to the Narcissist’s Apologies after Discard? how do you respond to the narcissist’s apologies after discard?
Photo by Steve DiMatteo on Unsplash

You’re still trying to recover from the painful cycle your narcissistic ex put you through. They first showered you with love and attention, then slowly started treating you worse, and finally discarded you in a dramatic way, leaving you emotionally shattered and doubting yourself. Just as you decided to move on and cut ties, they came back into your life with their typical mix of lies and half-truths, confusing you all over again.

Just as you decided to move on and cut ties, they came back into your life with their usual mix of lies and half-truths, confusing you all over again. Your ex starts crying fake tears and says things like, “I’m so sorry I left you… I don’t know what I was thinking… I’ll never do it again.” But there’s a catch. In their apologies, they avoid taking responsibility for the worst part: the cheating. They might mention “mistakes,” but never directly admit to or show remorse for their betrayal.

In that sickening moment, you’re torn. Part of you wants to believe their shallow apologies and tears, convincing you that this time they’ve felt it. But your gut is screaming that something is wrong. Can you really trust someone who won’t fully admit to and make amends for the hurt they caused, or who’s been deceitful in the past?

It’s a Game

Here’s the tough truth — narcissists leave out important parts when they apologize to keep you hoping for real remorse. They might say sorry for some things but avoid admitting to the worst parts of what they did. This makes you think maybe they’ll change if you stick around long enough. Tears can seem genuine, making you think their apology is real. But with narcissists, it’s often just a tactic to keep you hooked, even if they’re not truly sorry.

But the reality is, they’re not capable of truly caring about your feelings. They just want you to keep chasing after their fake promises. Their apologies are like a game, designed to keep you hooked in their cycle of mistreatment — building tension, exploding, then sweet-talking you back in again. So, do not even think about listening to their apologies as they never really equate to changed behaviour.

The reality is, narcissists simply can’t give you the genuine accountability and care you deserve. They’re too caught up in their own fears and need to protect themselves to truly face their actions or cherish your feelings. So, they’ll always avoid taking full responsibility and resort to half-truths to avoid confronting their own issues.

As tempting as their tearful apologies may be, sticking around and engaging with their cycle of deception only damages your soul. Deep down, you know that reclaiming your sanity and dignity means cutting ties for good.

After such a devastating betrayal, real accountability goes beyond mere words. It involves taking full responsibility, changing behavior, and committing to personal growth through therapy or other methods. Only these sincere efforts are worthy of forgiveness. Anything less keeps you tied to someone who sees your emotions as something to use and discard at their convenience.
 Note from the Author

If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

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Edwin Bii
Edwin Bii

I'm Edwin Bii, a trained advanced conversational hypnotherapist (ACH) and Mind Shifting Coach from Kenya offering mental health support, and life coaching to help you crush your goalsand overcome your problems. Together, we'll navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and create a happier, healthier you. Let's unlock your potential.

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